Welcome to ACCENTS
The Association of Computer, Communication and Education for National Triumph Social and Welfare Society (ACCENTS) is a registered non-profitable organization for engineers and researchers in the field of computer science, electronics and electrical engineering.
Our main aim is to extend help in the field of education to those students who belong to weaker section of society, specially girls. Besides this ACCENTS also encourage in the activities of research and developments.
The ACCENTS members include researchers, directors, professors, deans, engineers, scientist, software developers, managers and students from different universities, colleges, research laboratory and industry. The ACCENTS also welcomes all the engineering and technical corporate organizations, universities, colleges and societies to join us to exchange information and ideas. Our main service is to promote scientific and educational activities towards the advancement of common man's life by improving the theory and practice of computer science, electronics and electrical engineering. As a catalyst ACCENTS sponsors and organizes conferences, workshops, seminars and awareness programs by providing the technical and other supports to improve research, development activities and publishing high quality peer reviewed scientific international journals in different disciplines.