The Association of Computer, Communication and Education for National Triumph Social and Welfare Society (ACCENTS) is proud to introduce ACCENTS Manuscript Submission System (MSS). It is designed to streamline and enhance the manuscript submission, review, and editorial procedures of ACCENTS Journals. ACCENTS MSS represents a cutting-edge solution for researchers, authors, and journal editors, providing a seamless and efficient platform for managing scholarly manuscripts.

To submit your manuscript, please log in to the ACCENT MSS system. Click on the "Manuscript" button on the left-hand side.

It displays two sub-buttons: one for "Submit Manuscript" and another for "View Manuscript."  Click on "Submit Manuscript" to submit a new manuscript, after following the suggested steps.

If there is any manuscript that is incomplete, or if you have received some editorial suggestions (Editorial Review), then click on the "View Manuscript" button. Then click on the "Edit" button under the "Action" tab, near the "Delete" button, to edit the submission. You will be able to update the paper and resubmit it. You can also delete this submission by clicking on the "Delete" button.

If the submission is successful, you can also track the status after clicking on the "View Manuscript" button.

Key Features and Functionality:

1.    Effortless Manuscript Submission: ACCENTS MSS offers authors a simple and intuitive interface to submit their manuscripts. The system guides authors through each step of the submission process, ensuring that all necessary information is provided. From manuscript files to supplementary materials and author affiliations, authors can conveniently upload and organize their submission within ACCENTS MSS.

2.    Smooth Peer Review Process: ACCENTS MSS streamlines the peer review process, allowing editors to easily assign manuscripts to reviewers and track their progress. Reviewers can access and evaluate manuscripts directly within the system, providing comments, suggestions, and recommendations. This collaborative approach fosters a more efficient and transparent review process, benefiting both authors and editors.

3.    Editorial Workflow Management: With ACCENTS MSS, journal editors can oversee the entire editorial workflow from a single platform. The system offers customizable workflow templates, allowing editors to define and implement their preferred editorial processes. Editors can track manuscript statuses, communicate with authors and reviewers, and make informed decisions based on comprehensive data and analytics provided by ACCENTS MSS.

4.    Enhanced Collaboration and Communication: ACCENTS MSS facilitates effective collaboration and communication.

5.    Advanced Metrics and Analytics: ACCENTS MSS empowers journal editors with valuable metrics and analytics to assess the performance and impact of their publication. Editors can access comprehensive data on submission and review timelines, reviewer response rates, manuscript rejection rates, and more. These insights enable informed decision-making, allowing editors to optimize their editorial strategies and maintain the highest standards of academic publishing.